MrSinatra;174722 Wrote: 
> i agree on the visualizations, not my concern.  i don't necessarily
> agree users would demand video sync "just because" esp if a disclaimer
> was present at download.
> however, if the audio had the necessary bw locally, how "behind" would
> it be to any video?  would it always be noticeable?  or only depending?
> or would it always grow slowly out of sync over time?I can't say for sure 
> since I don't know exactly how device drivers work.
But I suspect the software is pushing data to the device driver at the
exact time the software wants the data to be played. At the same time
the software would push video to the graphic card to show on the
monitor. If the device driver works this way (which I am not completely
sure of) then it would mean that the:
- The sound is going through the network (which might be wireless) and
into the SqueezeBox and out to the reciever and finally out in the
- The video is going internally in the computer into the graphic card
and out to the display.

Obviously there is no way the sound and video would be able to move at
the same speed to their final destination. The result would be sync
issues between audio and video. One way around this is if the video
also went through the SqueezeBox, which isn't possible today, then the
SqueezeBox could make sure the video and sound was synchronized.
Another way is if the software player had options for delaying the
video a little, then the video and audio could arrive at the same time.
At least as long as the network speed was exactly the same at all times,
which it isn't in most networks especially not in wireless networks. 

As a side point, if any buffering should happen in this senario if
device drivers works as I think it must happen all the time. This mean
that when you hit play it will take a while until the music starts. The
reason that this works with slimserver is because slimserver sends the
sound in advance to SqueezeBox, SqueezeBox starts playing directly with
no buffer but then the slimserver sends the data faster than SqueezeBox
needs it to fill up the buffer. I suspect this would probably not be
possible in a device driver solution, the software probably sends the
sound information exactly when it should be played.

Please note that if device drivers doesn't work as I think most of the
information above is incorrect.

The reason I would like the device driver to happen as a 3rd party
thing is that SlimDevices/Logitech probably has limted resources and
have to choose what they want the developers to do. A device driver is
something that most current SqueezeBox owners probably aren't
interested in, so it makes much more sense if SlimDevices/Logitech
focused on features that most people wanted and left the unusual stuff
to 3rd party developers. A device driver is also something that is
completely different to implement compared to the existing slimserver
code. So I would guess that some additional education/training of the
developers would be required. It this instead happened through a 3rd
party developer which already have worked with device driver I suspect
that the result could be achieved much faster.

Anyway, I haven't read all your posts lately, so I am not sure if you
have answered these questions already:
1. Is the reason for a device driver just that you want to start
playing music from a specific software you already know instead of
using the slimserver/SqueezeBox interfaces ? In that case, do you have
a specific software in mind or does it have to work with everything ?

2. Is it for both locally stored music and internet radio and other
music not stored on the local computer ?

3. Is it just for playing music or are you also thinking about using
this as a way of view videos or redirecting sounds in games to
SqueezeBox ?

I'm asking these questions just to get an idea why you want a device
driver. A device driver is probably one solution but there  might also
be other solutions available that also solves your problem.

Regarding GPL, it is definitely no problem making non GPL software that
uses open specifications/APIs of GPL software. In that case it would be
impossible to sell any commercial software on the Linux platform and
such software do exist.


Erland Isaksson
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(Developer of TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library and RandomPlayList plugins)
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