don't miss my reply to you as well, its the post b4 the one of mine you
just quoted.

real quick: i think SD would gain adoptions with a device driver.  i
don't think it would tax their resources too much, and be well worth it
in the long run.  i only ask that it pass the audio on.  features could
be done via 3rd party, but establishing it first is what i want SD to

to answer a question rudely put forth earlier, i GUESSED 3-4 weeks b/c
obviously the slim team has a lot of gifted programmers and know alot
about coding audio.  they also have some exp with coding audio for
different platforms.  i'd bet with logitech now heading the project,
they could put 2 and 2 together and what i'm asking for out there
pretty quick.  its a complement to them, imo.

also, i know less than u about device drivers i'm sure, but i gather
from what the other poster said that the driver itself could buffer at
least some of it, esp local files.  i'm not sure how well it could do
that in "real time" things like net streams though.

if there had to be a slight delay, as opposed to other [traditional]
sound card methods, i could live with that.  like i said, its not much
different than the SB today as is.

erland;174726 Wrote: 
> Anyway, I haven't read all your posts lately, so I am not sure if you
> have answered these questions already:


erland;174726 Wrote: 
> 1. Is the reason for a device driver just that you want to start playing
> music from a specific software you already know instead of using the
> slimserver/SqueezeBox interfaces ?

partially, yes, certainly.  i love winamp.

but also b/c i simply don't like SS, for a whole host of reasons, from
bugs to difficulty of use to resource hogging, etc...

erland;174726 Wrote: 
> In that case, do you have a specific software in mind or does it have to
> work with everything ?

for me, winamp, but i would expect it would work with any app capable
of streaming bits to a sound device.

erland;174726 Wrote: 
> 2. Is it for both locally stored music and internet radio and other
> music not stored on the local computer ?

yes, i listen to mp3 streams, as well as local mp3s.

erland;174726 Wrote: 
> 3. Is it just for playing music or are you also thinking about using
> this as a way of view videos or redirecting sounds in games to
> SqueezeBox ?

definitely secondary to my concerns.

it would be neat to play DVD audio on it, but i don't know if SB can do
5.1 or anything beyond normal stereo, can it?

still, if the network was latent free, and the buffer started audio
immediately, and then built itself up, is it not possible it would sync
to the video?

erland;174726 Wrote: 
> I'm asking these questions just to get an idea why you want a device
> driver. A device driver is probably one solution but there  might also
> be other solutions available that also solves your problem.

my main reason is b/c i truly don't like SS or the remote as a way to
use the SB, due to bugs and inelegance of usage.

erland;174726 Wrote: 
> Regarding GPL, it is definitely no problem making non GPL software that
> uses open specifications/APIs of GPL software. In that case it would be
> impossible to sell any commercial software on the Linux platform and
> such software do exist.

i could be wrong, i really don't know...  but if i were to use
information i got from SD, wouldn't i then have to give it back to
them, and they then could use it however they wanted to?

and even if not, how would i stop this close knit community from buying
once and sharing 10000 times?

in any case, its moot b/c i won't do it, and i wouldn't want to make
moeny off of it anyway...  that was someone elses petulent remark.

Squeezebox2 w/SS 6.5.1 (beta!?) - Win XP Pro SP2 - 3.2ghz / 2gig ram
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