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Question: Do you have a intermittent SB GUI pause for 8-30 sec?
- Yes, my wireless SB will intermittently pause for 8-30sec.
- Yes my wired SB will intermittently pause for 8-30sec.
- No, my SB GUI does not pause.

Triode;176191 Wrote: 
> Do you have disks on the NAS which spin down?  If so may be related to
> waiting for these to spin up?

No, I have no disks spun down or waiting to spin up.

> Can you confirm if this is 6.5.1?

This is Infrant's release of 6.5.1, but *not* the final 6.5.1 release.
I understand this was due to the timing of the release of Infrant
release v3.01.c1-p4 which has the early 6.5.1 in it. 

> Could you turn on asyc http debugging go to server debugging page to
> turn on. [--d_http_asyn if you turn on debugging from the command line]

This is not obvious, I don't have access to the internals without
hackery I am not willing to perform (the NAS is my backup system). I
could try installing it on my PC and see if I can replicate the
problem. Alternatively I can see if Infrant will give me a way to turn
it on. 

> Do you have access to the perl to change it 

I don't have Infrant's specific code if it is different. I have
downloaded a previous version of SS to start the process of getting up
to speed on it.  I am starting cold on SS but would be happy to help if
required (with some guidance, internals documentation is, um, lacking).

I am sure Infrant would integrate the change once we figure it out and
commit it to the repository.

I will see what Infrant has to say. I doubt this issue is Infrant
specific based on the postings I have seen. As best as I understand
they just use the standard SD build tree.

As a next step, I will focus on getting debugging enabled on the NAS or
replicate it on my PC.

You have been extremely helpful, thank you. If you have more places to
look, please let me know.

Eric Carroll

Transporter-Bryston 3B SST-Paradigm Reference Studio 60 v.4
SB3-Rotel RB890-B&W Matrix 805
SB3-Pioneer VSX-49TXi-Mirage OM7+C2+R2
Eric Carroll's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=9293
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