kdf;183746 Wrote: 
> Quoting MrSinatra <MrSinatra.2mmldb1172515801 (AT) no-mx (DOT)
> forums.slimdevices.com>:
> >> RG track gain:      -0.4dB (determined automatically)
> > so it looks like for any of my files that do have this value, SS
> > doesn't see them, why?
> my guess is that the note, "determined automatically" is lametagGUI  
> inserting the value on the fly for the display, instead of it being a 
> value stored in the tags. Mind you, this is just a guess, as I'm not  
> familiar with lametagGUI, but it would be a simple explanation of why 
> slimserver isn't seeing the value.

kdf, u should definitely check out lametagGUI, its a very nice app that
doesn't "install" on your system, you just nav to a mp3, double click
it, and it immediately shows you whats in the lame tag.


the site is a bit slow, but its worth it.

based on how fast it does this, nearly instantaneously, (and how small
the app is and just generally how it feels) i think it is showing you
info in the LAME tag, not doing any calculations.  i think "determined
automatically" is a reference to Lame 3.9x determining that value at
the time of encoding.

but i could just as easily be wrong on all these assumptions.

i'm a bit confused when u say this:

kdf;183746 Wrote: 
> ...but it would be a simple explanation of why  
> slimserver isn't seeing the value.

lets for the sake of argument assume my assumption is right, and the
value IS in there, [in the lame tag].

i gather from what all of you are saying, that even if it were there
[in the lame tag], SS wouldn't see it anyway, right?  b/c SS apparently
either ignores LAME tags altogehter, OR it ignores ReplayGain values in
LAME tags at the very least.

...is that correct?

kdf;183746 Wrote: 
> > what is SS supposed to see, if not these values?
> Slimserver does nothing to determine or set the relpalygain values; it 
> only reads tags and will only display them in songinfo if the tags  
> have values.

ok, but does that mean in ID3v2.3 tags?  as opposed to being in LAME

kdf;183746 Wrote: 
> Have you tried using Foobar? Does lametagGUI have any option for  
> storing the replay gain values?
> -kdf

as far as i can see, lametagGUI has no editing ability whatsoever.  i
think it is strictly a reader of lame tags, thats it.  [i could be

i haven't tried foobar b/c:

i am concerned from this thread and other things i read, i might hit a
button and it'll change the audio file itself, which isn't what i want
to happen.

i simply want the gain for each file adjusted on playback (by SS or
winamp or whatever) to a set db amount, be it 83 or 89 or whatever the
replaygain standard is set to.

i thought when i encoded with LAME, all my files would get the RG value
inserted.  some didn't [get a lame tag at all] obviously, and so i need
to rerip those, np.  but most did, and if they did there is a RG value
in the lame tag.  (again, assuming my assumption above is correct)

so if the RG standard is 83db, then i want all songs on playback to be
gain-adjusted on the fly to a set level of 83db.

this shouldn't modify the audio file itself, nor should it compress or
affect the dynamic range.  it should simply raise or lower the gain to
tht db level for each track as required.

my first wish would be for SS to use the value in the LAME tag, or FLAC
or what have you.

but if that is not possible, how does one go about putting them in the
tag so that SS, winamp, whatever can use them?

first, must the value be in a ID3v2.3 tag?

second, what is the value's field called?

third, should this value be recalculated?  or would it be better to
simply copy the LAME Tags value into the new ID3v2.3 field?

fourth, do i want or need to do analysis for albums?  why, if each
track itself is adjusted to 83db?

fifth, what program does all this best, without adjusting the audio
file itself?

sorry for how long and complex this reply was, but the whole issue has
me thoroughly confused, and i think i am missing a major piece of
understanding this puzzle.  thx, -mdw


Squeezebox2 w/SS 6.5.2 (beta!?) - Win XP Pro SP2 - 3.2ghz / 2gig ram
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