>I know this must have been asked before but I was wondering what the
>prercentage is of Windows vs Linux as the OS of choice for running SS.
>I am going to take the plunge into the world of Linux soon so I was
>just being curious.

I primarily run OS X and Slimserver has been trouble free from the 
underlying OS standpoint going back to the days when SLIMP3 was their 
only product.

I prefer the Linux/unix/BSD based operating systems to Windows 
because the licensing agreements are not as onerous and I think they 
are more approachable in the sense that they can be tinkered with and 
debugged in a more consistent and straightforward manner.  The 
default configurations, while not invulnerable, tend to have less 
exposure to outside attacks (particularly OpenBSD).

I like OS X because I think it has the best GUI on top of a unix 
base.  I like the Intel Apple hardware because you can run OS X, 
Linux, *BSDs, and Windows on it all at native speeds.  I'm very 
interested in seeing the final VMWare virtualization product and 
comparing that to Parallels and being able to run multiple virtual 
machines on one set of hardware.

My experience running a variety of OSes (Windows, unix/linux/BSD, OS 
X) is that Windows is the most problematic, but with the important 
caveat that you'll almost always do best with the OS that you know 

If you're just looking to jump in to Linux you can get good 
performance (including from Slimserver) from hardware that would not 
give good performance with XP or Vista, so you can experiment with it 
on an old system and keep your main system running (I infer from your 
post) Windows.

Kevin O. Lepard

Happiness is being 100% Microsoft free.
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