valeite;196900 Wrote: 
> Precisely Adam

There will always be bugs in software.  Nightly, beta, triple stamped
gold releases.  Doesn't matter.

The official SlimServer releases tend to get rushed out the door due to
some other cicrumstances.  Shipment of the new Squeezebox2, the
Transporter, etc.

In fact, I suspect the biggest push for the 6.5.2 release will be to
fix this firmware debacle that ocurred because they were forced to put
out a new firmware on SqueezeNetwork to fix fatal errors using
Rhapsody.  The other reason 6.5.2 will be released shortly is that
they'll soon start shipping Logitech branded Squeezeboxes and the new
software has the new branding.  It won't be released because someone
feels that all of the significant bugs have been corrected - some
fairly significant ones will just get pushed to the next release (or

I would expect that very few, if any, additional bugs are likely to be
fixed before 6.5.2 is shipped.  The lead developer recently left the
company and there's no one else in the development bunch that fully
understands much of the code or has the time to do anything with it.


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