Where would you use such a portable device?  You can't use it at public
locations where there is accessible wi-fi because no one will want to
hear your idea of music blasting on the thing.  If you think about it,
there are very few places that have both accessible wi-fi AND "privacy"
to let you play via speakers.  Most offices aren't going to allow it,
unless at such a low volume level others can't hear it, in which case
you may as well use headphones.

Sure it would be easy for old folks, but the difficulty in SB stuff
isn't in connecting to an existing boom-box or stereo, it's setting up
wi-fi and ripping CDs.  If the oldsters are savvy enough to set up
wi-fi they can handle connecting a normal, small SB to an existing
audio system or one purchased specifically for the purpose (with the
buyer's choice of amp and speakers).

There are a lot of amp/speaker systems sold for pod people.  Where do
they use them?  I've never seen one anywhere except on the web pages
and in stores that sell them.  I suppose they mostly use them at home
where no one will complain about their music.     Those people don't
need wi-fi and they can't find anywhere to play speakers....imagine how
many fewer places there are for SB people to play their stuff on

I think the SB is targeted at a more audio quality discriminating
market than most boom boxes.  Any system linked to music via wi-fi just
isn't a portable system.

If you want portability you can use a wi-fi enabled pocket PC and run
softsqueeze (will it run on a pocket PC?) then plug in your


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