I'm sorry if the following paragraphs seem to jump around a little. 
I've copied them from my Logitech support e-mails (over a period of
weeks), with no solution from the support team.  They suggested I try
the forum.  Sorry about the length of this post too, but describing
everything I've tried might save a bit of to-and-froing.  I've done
minimal edits to try to improve the flow...

The touch-screen PC that I've programmed to control my (complex!) audio
system runs DOS 6.22 with Microsoft NET Client V3.11. In my previous
house I had this connected to my main (Win2000) PC via Cat5 cable.
Because there is no TCP/IP utility with NET (I found later there is -
see below), I accessed this touch PC using NetBIOS (in both
Having recently moved to a new house, I was hoping to avoid running a
cable between floors by using the wireless bridge facility of my
recently-acquired Squeezebox 3.
I connected the touch-PC to the Squeezebox via a crossover cable, and
the green light on the touch-PC indicates it has a hardware ethernet
connection. I enabled wirelss bridging on the Squeezebox, but I don't
get a network connection in either direction between the two PCs (but
things improved - see later).

OK, I finally found time to spend on this problem. I found
information on the 'net that eventually (after many hours!) allowed me
to get TCP/IP running on my DOS machine (using
Microsoft drivers, as it happens - there's a bug in their installation
procedure that omits a vital file!).

When that DOS PC is plugged directly into my wireless router (wired
Ethernet port) I can still share resources between the
two machines (my main PC runs Win2K, remember), moving files between
them for example (only in a DOS window on the Win2K
machine). I could also 'ping' my Win machine from the DOS machine,
getting a response:
[1] echo received from with roundtrip < 50 msec

But when I take the DOS machine back upstairs and plug it into the
Squeezebox, it fails to establish the 'shares' that
succeed when directly connected. But I can still ping the Win2K
machine, with the same (successful) result as above.

On the DOS machine, DHCP was enabled (not now - see below), but caused
problems.  So I've now changed the Touch-PC's network configuration to
use a fixed IP address, and then done some more tests. To simplify the
following discussion, I will refer to each PC by its network name: HIFI
is the DOS-based touch PC (running Microsoft Network Client 3.11)
wireless bridged via a Squeezebox 3, and ADVSOL5 is the Win2K machine
with a wireless router attached (also the network 'gateway', though I
don't think this is relevant, since I'm not wanting to access anything
other than Advsol5 from HiFi). 

When HiFi and Advsol5 are connected by Ethernet cable (via a wired
Ethernet port in the back of the wireless router), HiFi 'connects' to
Advsol5 OK during boot-up (can then access Advsol5's disc drives and
printer), and Advsol5 also connects with HiFi (can access HiFi's
drives). Keep in mind that accessing HiFi from Advsol5 always requires
opening a DOS window and using only DOS commands – if I try to look at
HiFi drives via Windows Explorer (the HiFi name does appear in the list
of networked computers) it causes an error saying something like 'this
network function not supported'. 

I can ping successfully in both directions. On HiFi I have both NetBEUI
and TCP/IP protocols enabled. If I disable NetBEUI (leaving TCP/IP as
the ONLY protocol), HiFi then won't connect with Advsol5's drives or
printer. This would suggest (to a novice like me) that the protocol
being used between them is 'NetBEUI over TCP/IP'. I found the following
information on a website about OS/2 networking (I think most of this is
relevant to DOS too): 

NetBIOS (NetBEUI) over TCP/IP (called TCPBEUI on OS/2) 
* Implementation of NetBIOS to operate with TCP/IP as transport
* Defined by RFCs 1001 and 1002 
* Solves the need to route a non-routable protocol 
* Encapsulates NetBEUI data in a TCP/IP or UDP/IP frame 
* Three modes of operation - Broadcast, Point-to-Point, and
* Service: NetBIOS Name Server (NBNS) 
* Service: NetBIOS Datagram Distribution (NBDD) 

So having got the WIRED LAN running to my satisfaction with fixed IP
address on HiFi, it was back upstairs to try it over the Squeezebox
wireless bridge again. At boot-up, HiFi failed to 'connect' to
Advsol5's resources (drives & printer). But I could still successfully
ping Advsol5, and now the ping also succeeded in the reverse direction.
Furthermore, although HiFi couldn't access any Advsol5 resources (since
they weren't 'connected'), Advsol5 could now access HiFi's drives! 

On Advsol5, HiFi's drives are given substitute names:
\\hifi\c: -> T:,
\\hifi\d: -> U:
This drive assignment is done with the following DOS commands on
net use t: \\hifi\c
net use u: \\hifi\d 
(having instructed HiFi [in its AUTOEXEC.BAT] to share its C: drive as
'c' and D: drive as 'd') 

With a wired connection, I can write to the HiFi disc from Advsol5
(e.g. using WordStar 6, my editor of choice), and also in the reverse
direction (write to Advsol5 from HiFi). 

But when I take HiFi back upstairs and plug it into the Squeezebox, as
it boots up it again fails to connect to the Advsol5 resources ("Error
53"), so I still can't access Advsol5 from HiFi. But I *can* access
HiFi from Advsol5, including reading and writing files to HiFi.

Can anyone suggest why the Squeezebox wireless bridge works for one PC
but not the other, when using NetBIOS (NetBEUI) over TCP/IP. What
should I try next?

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