> 1. Should I get a new iPod? If so which one, Touch, Classic?

For all of my needs I'm staying with solid-state players, despite their
obvious storage limitations.  I like the durability, the size & weight,
and have no need to carry around 500 hours of audio.  The new Touch,
however, is overpriced and the 3rd generation Nano has very odd
dimensions to accomodate its (worthless) video screen.  Consider
picking up a now discontinued 2nd generation 8GB Nano for cheap.

> 3. Which Music Manager is "best" for ease of use, MediaMonkey, Sveta
> from dbPowerAmp. etc?

I'll second the recommendation for Anapod Explorer.  Not a manager,
just a way to load MP3's onto your iPod without having to resort to the
godawful iTunes.

> I don't really want to rip to FLAC and MP3 and maintain two copies.

Rip and encode in FLAC, but maintain a mirror MP3 library.  This is by
far the most convenient approach, at the cost of not a lot of hard disk


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