
since i copied my GFs iTunes repository from her iBook - about 30. some
of those show up 15x.
her iTunes is organized by artist, that is just the way it is.

slimpy, i am not trying to discuss who is smart or not, i am just
making a point that there are a significant amount of people (heck, i
didnt even start this thread, i just jumped on it!) who feel this
behavior is strange.

i found ~10 bugs reported in bugzilla that relate to this problem,
(none of them from me, btw) so at least some people are bugged by it
(no pun intended ;-).

that is why i did not file a "bug", but an "enhancement" request.
and it contains a suggestion to add a control which will let you choose
squeezecenter's behavior.

that way you can be happy and me too! :-)

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