Well I can see that this "Idea" has some wide views. 

I personally think that the idea is good and maybe better than good.

As a IT manager (windows/microsoft) I find that it is very easy to
handle or figure out the where the problem lies with an SB not
connecting or stuttering. 

But having very little programing experience i have problems with
making certain things work the way i would like and have asked
questions of the much more knowledgeable here than myself, or in many
cases read through the many threads covering a subject.

Maybe having a list of "Knowledgeable People" in certain "Subjects" 
(programing, networking etc.) for specific areas of the world would be
a good idea. 

I have a friend that is very knowledgeable with Linux. So i had him
over for dinner one evening and we were able to get a Linux server up
and running in less than an hour. I had tried for three days to
understand  how to make the changes needed in Linux to make SS6.5.x
work with no luck. Well after that one hour i had learned a lot and now
know what i need to do to assist someone else in getting a Linux server
up and running. 

If it had not been for the "Hands On" help I would probably given up
and stayed with running SS/SC on a windows box. 

Help for those technophobic people out there would be a very good idea

Those that do not want the help don't need to ask for it. Those that
need the help would have the ability to have someone "Hold Their Hand"
if needed.

I am surely glad that there is such a Great and Wonderful forum here.
It is part of what made the difference between buying an SB over all
the competition.

Bobkoure - Good idea, some refining may or may not be needed.

Autopilot - you are free to have your opinion and i am glad to see that
you also respect the opinion of others (this post and many others), and
thanks for many of your other posts that have help myself and others. 

Pfarelle - Again it is refreshing to see that people can have a
difference of opinion but be respectful of others opinions. Also thanks
for all of your posts that have helped myself and others.

Let me be the first to start a list by adding my own name to be able to
help others in a hands on fashion. I live in Massachusettes USA and
would be willing to travel (New England) or invite others to my home
for some hand on help. Of course I do not have all the answers but I
will help in any way I can even if that help needs to come from the



Kitchen - SB3 - Russound R235LS Amp - Russound SP-M8IM speakers in
Main Stereo - SB3 - Nikko Beta 30 Preamp - Nikko Alpha 230 Amplifier -
Genesis VI Speakers
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