djfake;269693 Wrote: 
> Why do I get the feeling this list is apologetic to Logitech? Because I
> am surprised that more people on the list are not critical of Logitech
> for not making the SBR a "stand alone" product, and indeed defensive
> that it is in fact not a "stand alone" product. 
> Simple enough? 
djfake, enough is enough. If you feel the need to continually whine,
kindly do it somewhere else.

Logitech are entitled to market a product/suite of products in the
manner they feel in their professional wisdom is best suited to the
prospective buyers of the items concerned. You are entitled to request
that they do otherwise. Slimdevices and Logitech have provided a forum
in which people interested in the Slimdevices products can access each
other, and Slimdevices staff to share information and even better to
aid in developing products we as owners feel are worthwhile, even

It is in the nature of online Forums that from time to time, users will
abuse the privileges accorded them. The moderators then have a choice:
ban the abuser, close the thread, delect the thread etc. 

The Slimdevices forum is one of the best I have seen online.
Slimdevices are eminently accepting of constructive criticism, and of
the praise which they are rightfully due. Please respect this Forum and
behave accordingly.

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