radish wrote:
> Peter;274380 Wrote: 
>> Some botnets contain more than a 100.000 PC's, you better make sure you
>> don't get their attention ;)
> True :) You do bring up an important point though, which is to figure
> out who you're defending against before deciding on the level of
> security to employ. In my case I don't want the kid next door deleting
> all my flacs, so I have decent but still user friendly security. If I
> wanted to keep out the NSA or the owner of the 100,000 machine botnet -
> well for one thing I'd get rid of the wifi altogether. Then I'd probably
> invest in a lot of wire mesh to wrap my house in :)

The good thing about wifi is that they have to get close to you. Where 
the whole internet can pound on your firewall without any trouble it's a 
major hassle for an attacker to get in range of your wifi, unless he's 
the kid next door.

For the moderately paranoid, it might be good to realize that it looks 
like the Duet transmits your WPA key unencrypted (or insufficiently 
encrypted) over
an ad hoc wifi link as part of the setup process.  Use Robin Bowes' 
ethernet setup script to avoid this.


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