JimC wrote:
> As you may have seen from my earlier post, we're going to be migrating
> from kwiki to mediawiki.  I'm currently going through some housekeeping
> in preparation for the Great Re-editing that will start later this week
> and I wanted to float a question to the community:
> Should we change the categories at that top level of the wiki?
> Currently, we have these categories:
> General
> * Beginners Guide
> * Index of all the pages
> Software:
> * SqueezeCenter
> * Third-Party SlimServer Plugins
> * SoftSqueeze
> * SqueezeOS & SqueezePlay (formerly known as Jive) - NEW
> Services:
> * SqueezeNetwork
> Hardware: (overview)
> * Squeezebox Duet
> * Squeezebox Controller
> * Squeezebox Receiver
> * Transporter
> * Squeezebox v3
> * Squeezebox2
> * Squeezebox
> * SLIMP3
> I'm a big believer in the idea of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it",
> but I'm not sure these categories address the needs of our users as
> well as they should.  That's just my opinion, though, so I'd like to
> use this as an opportunity to solicit YOUR opinions on how we should
> categorize the new wiki.
> Thanks in advance for your feedback!

The categories are very Slim Devices-centric, i.e. they're OK if you 
know your way around.

It might be an idea to make it a little more friendly to new visitors.


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