Some thoughts on page sizes and layout. Many people that are looking for
help will probably be using two browsers so that they can see what they
are reading for help as well as the thing they want help on.

I'd guess that they will use a browser size around about 800 pixels
tall (based on a 17/19 inch screen). This will allow them to easily
switch between windows and let them see a little of both.

I then suggest a newspaper trick of above the fold. Try and keep the
important information in the top half of the page without needing to

If someone isn't quite sure what they are looking for they will decide
if the page is what they are looking for very quickly based on what
they see without scrolling. Think of the way you use search engines and
check out the pages returned.

As CeeJay said that style starting with a simple narrative leading
deeper as the user gains confidence and experience is more

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