Sorry if this post is a bit off topic...

ModelCitizen;299416 Wrote: 
> > erland Wrote: 
> > If you don't trust that the developers ake s the right choice, learn
> > perl and provide a patch.> > 
> Can you recommend a good manual Erland?
> ;-|
I started by looking at the code in some simple SqueezeCenter plugins
about 2 years ago (hadn't read a line of perl before that)
Personally, I've only read "Perl Best Practices" by Damian Conway,
which I can recommend but it's not really a good beginners book.
There are also a lot of resources on the Internet, so is
also a good starting point.

ModelCitizen;299416 Wrote: 
> If human friendly design depended solely upon developers/coders we'd
> all be sunk
I definitely agree, the same can also be said if it depended solely on
end users, the communication between developers and selected end users
is the key. That's one reason why this forum is a very important place
for the future of SqueezeCenter and the SqueezeBox products,
fortunately Logitech is already aware of this.

But each individual end user also has to understand that he might not
get exactly what he wants because there are other end users which have
other conflicting interests. The communication between the Logitech
developers is still A LOT better than than the communication I have
with the Microsoft/Apple developers (which is basically zero). Getting
feedback from end users is a good thing.

Just to make sure I don't get misunderstood again, nothing in this post
refers to any specific person in this thread.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library and Database Query plugins'
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