I'm a loyal customer. I've owned at least 5 Squeezeboxes over the years
and currently (try to) use two SB3's in my home, and softsqueeze at the
office. I've been an advocate and sold many friends on the products and
concepts of Slimdevices. I still plan to go big and get a Transporter
just as soon as there is software to match that incredible piece of

But I'm after a long, blissful, year of enjoying a well tuned
Slimserver 6.5.something and ignoring updates, I made the mistake of
trying 7.0. I'm going to vent. I'm sincerely not trying to offend, but
maybe light a fire.

Here's my list of what is dumb:

-Software reliability: Please call a beta version (buggy, untested,
unreliable, even though a few of us geeks can get it running) a beta
version. Don't make it the default download until you have some
indication that it is going to work for your customers. Helping
troubleshoot my job and not a hobby I enjoy when I'm trying to listen
to music. and I just want the latest version that will actually work.
6.5.x, right? 7.x is beta. Release candidate, tops. Your not under the
same pressure as a software company to release, release, release.
You're hardware is only as reliable as your software and sales will

-Effects and animation: You know how we all make fun of flaming
animated .GIF images on crappy amature webpages? Same thing. Just
because it's neat doesn't mean you have to put it in. These features
serve only to remind us that you've been using your resources to
integrate spinning CD images instead of fixing bugs and improving
performance. It's a browser interface, not a feature film. Present the
information quickly and orderly. No one is impressed by a chunky, slow
transparent overlay that doesn't present anything useful. Why do you
think Vista (Window XP, Millenium Ed.) is tanking?

-Settings: I was very happy to read that supposedly 7.X would keep my
previous settings. Wrong. I can't even get it to run without a complete
nuke of the previous install, which nukes my settings. Also, it's dumb
that after all these years, I still have to set each player's settings
individually each time I "upgrade" versions. Give us a persistant
default player settings interface as well as individual player
settings. And god, would someone re-org the settings? There must be 50
pages worth that are in nearly random order.

-Slim Network requirement: Give me a break. I'm sure many people find
the Slim Network a useful service, but there is no reason these devices
can't operate without any communication beyond their local network if
that's what the user wants. I don't want to give you an address, or
password, or info about when my player is on or off, or anything. You
got my money and that the only demographic info you need.

-tray icon: Just what the world needs. One more tray icon that does
nothing useful (unless you count "starting... starting... starting"
indefinately until I uninstall/reinstall as useful). What is the
fascination? Did the marketing department come up with it? Why does it
take 13 megs of memory 24/7 to tell me nothing I don't already know?

-Slim/Logitech: You guys/gals are acting dumb. How can the company that
hatched such a brilliant product concept still be mired with such a
crappy, unfriendly software implimentation? I'm a vetran technology pro
and I find your stuff is a pain in the butt. How can I recommend it to
technically moderate family and friends that need something to be
intuitive and easy and works out of the box? Every home should have
several of you devices, but your ship will sink first if you take
another x years to publish a decent interface. 

-Me: I'm dumb for wasting my time writing this. Won't change anything.
Probably get sensored.

-Me again: I'm also dumb for "upgrading" to 7. Let me know when it's
7.5.x. I'll be back on 6.5ish.


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