
Point being, you should never expect Nokia to fix a bug, if they do,
it's your good luck.  Somehow everyone takes the opposite view since
they're wrapped up in OS SW.  Since Nokia doesn't have bug tracking
system, don't be upset when they don't fix bugs.  You know what you're
getting when you buy into the system/product.

My 3 year old Samsung TV has upgradeable software, but they've never
once provided updated SW for the unit. Are there bugs? Yes.  Do I
expect them to release new SW?  No, but if they do, that's my good

With SS, they do have a bug tracker, so it's that promise (not the
contractual type) that bugs will get fixed that can be somewhat
misleading and frustrating.  I can certainly see how someone could get
frustrated waiting and waiting for a submitted bug to get fixed.

So the better way to deal with forum frustration appears to be how
iPhone did, and not how you did.  It's clear that iPhone solved the OPs
problem while you came off looking smug and arrogant.


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