bpa;316146 Wrote: 
> All mov123 does is call QuickTime libraries to decode so the problem is
> in QuickTime.  
> Variations of this problem have been reported from time to time on
> Windows platform but it seems to only affect a small number of systems.

Well please excuse my ignorance here but simply pushing this to
Quicktime is sort of easy. I doubt it is a quicktime problem. These
files play well in quicktime and/or iTunes and in fact any other app
here that uses quicktime. Except for SC/mov123. I rather suspect this
to be an issue with SC or how SC uses mov123.

As I have reported in another thread a couple of times already the
default configuration coming with SC still makes use of big endian even
though you must not do this on an Intel based platform. No one seems to
care about this either. This may or may not be related, but it gives
you some sort of clue as to how Slim Devices seems to handle the Mac

I personally wouldn't be so arrogant (no offense) to simply push the
problem elsewhere. Something is wrong - out of the box for paying
customers - and that should be investigated.

If the next update is not going to fix this problem and I will have to
resort to the "faad hack", I am going to carry that little box back to
Logitech so they can keep it. I bought support for AAC on Mac and it's
not working.

Sorry, I don't mean you. I just hope someone from Logitech is reading

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