I'm sure that even asking this question means no..but I have to ask

Currently I have my audio running digitally from a PC (XP, kernel
streaming through foobar) to a rx-v2700 which is powering Axiom M60's.

This setup works fine for the most part, but the PC is getting noisy
and I'm thinking about replacing it with a NAS solution and hitting
media from various devices - my squeezbox 2, laptops, etc).  Since I
don't do gaming there just doesn't seem to be much need for a desktop

I have a squeezebox - I haven't tested it with my current setup because
I assumed the rx-v2700 would do a better digital to analog conversion. 
This may be an incorrect assumption...

Either way, I was planning on using that in another room and getting
another sqeezebox or the transporter.  Obviously my speakers are fairly
modest (although they sound fantastic to me) so if my stuff isn't good
enough to appreciate what a transporter can do I might as well save my

Insight appreciated.


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