On Wed, Sep 21, 2016 at 11:42 AM -0400, Iko wrote:

> Here's a list of pages currently in the repo, with a status
> indicator. The Design wiki page has links to the latest MVP mockups.
> https://wiki.snowdrift.coop/planning/page-specs
> If/when I'm working on them, I'll try to update the wiki page from
> time to time. Currently some of the pages are in prototyping stage
> (e.g. snowdrift project page), 2-3 are still in mockups (e.g.
> how-it-works).
> If anyone has questions, feel free to ping me on IRC as well.

Thanks for all this!

Developing mockups and prototypes is just as important as any other task
we do during development. *More* important than some of the things I
do, certainly. This goes for other aspects of the project, as well. If
anyone ever needs anything from me (or "the programmers" in general),
don't hesitate to ask.

Mid-fortnight update from me:

We've got one week left in September. I am creating a simple tech
preview, a pre-alpha, of the pledge process. That will be done today,
I think. Then, next week, I can finalize the backend technology for
pledging, and maybe repeat the process for the donation process. I'm
still uncovering gaps in the architecture at every step, which
inevitably slows things down. But integrating with Stripe was pretty
easy, and the simplified crowdmatch mechanism is not hard to

That means I'll be ready to integrate the backend with the finalized
prototypes almost as soon as they're ready. :)

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