I'd like to +1 Matt's comment as well -- given how many workshops we run, and how much demand there is for instructor training, I think it makes sense to say that people ought to attend or help at a workshop before starting instructor training. ("Ought to" because there will always be exceptions: some people have lots of teaching experience in other grassroots groups, and when we're moving into new geographical regions, it won't always be possible for people to attend one before starting training.)


On 2014-12-12 3:41 PM, Ted Hart wrote:

I'll also +1 Matt's comment. Way back in 2012 I attended my first SWC workshop hosted by the CS dept at UBC, taught by Greg. I then helped organize a couple more where I co-taught with Greg and Ethan at different workshops. I had this experience under my belt before I began instructor training, I think one of the first that Greg ran online.

It seems like path to becoming an instructor is a bit different now, starting off with instructor training, and then running a workshop. Less of the 'journeyman' system of a few years back. And while sending helpers around isn't feasible because of $$, what about requiring interested people to organize a workshop and they could help, if one isn't already being run locally? After all, it was that effect of getting one or two instructors out of each locally run workshops that helped us get so many instructors in the first place.

Maybe it's not a good idea to take on instructors if they haven't at least attended a workshop (I'm not sure how common this is though)


On Fri Dec 12 2014 at 12:24:03 PM Kara Woo <woo.k...@gmail.com <mailto:woo.k...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Helping at real workshops would indeed probably be the best way to
    build experience, but it's not going to be logistically or
    financially feasible for everyone, since as far as I know
    workshops don't typically cover travel costs for helpers. While
    not a substitute for firsthand experience, a network of community
    support and resources for new (and experienced!) instructors will
    definitely help people (or at least, me) feel more prepared and

    On Fri, Dec 12, 2014 at 11:44 AM, Marianne Corvellec
    <mailto:marianne.corvel...@gmail.com>> wrote:


        I would like to +1 Matt's comment.  I don't really see how you
        do without this very natural, gradual, beneficial process.

        I know people who have attended, helped and sometimes
        instructed at
        several workshops but haven't taken the instructor training
        (yet).  So when/if they become Software Carpentry instructors,
        I think
        the transition will be pretty smooth...

        As a new instructor, I don't see how you would want to read a
        guide/manual rather than helping at real workshops, because that's
        when you start feeling useful and you learn a lot and you're
        not alone
        and that's a great experience. :)


        On Fri, Dec 12, 2014 at 2:01 PM, Matt Davis
        <jiffyc...@gmail.com <mailto:jiffyc...@gmail.com>> wrote:
        > I had one question after reading your post, and that's what
        role being a
        > workshop helper/assistant has in the instructor on-boarding
        > A couple years ago before our explosive growth and the
        instructor training
        > program, the on-boarding process was (perhaps informally),
        something like:
        > - attend or be a helper at a workshop
        > - teach at a workshop with an experienced instructor
        > We have different processes and more people now, but you
        can't discount the
        > value of "learn by doing".
        > - Matt
        > On Fri Dec 12 2014 at 10:47:53 AM Bill Mills
        <b...@mozillafoundation.org <mailto:b...@mozillafoundation.org>>
        > wrote:
        >> Hey everyone,
        >> I spoke privately to some of you over the past couple weeks
        on what it's
        >> like being a Software Carpentry instructor, particularly a new
        >> instructor - what are the challenges you face, and what can
        we do to
        >> make your first few workshops a smoother experience? I
        summarized the
        >> most popular comments in this blog post:
        >> One of the main things that came out of this, was a need
        for a smoother
        >> on-ramp going from Instructor Training to your first
        workshop - what are
        >> the steps involved, how do you prepare, and what are everyone's
        >> responsibilities? To this end, I think it would be valuable
        if we
        >> created a short Welcome Package explaining these things and
        >> some clear instructions for people, and a Mentor's Guide
        for more
        >> experienced instructors guiding this process. More details
        are in the
        >> blog post, but we're brainstorming ideas for both of these
        things in the
        >> following etherpads:
        >> New Instructor Welcome Package:
        >> https://etherpad.mozilla.org/newInstructorWelcomePackage
        >> Mentor's Guide: https://etherpad.mozilla.org/SWCmentorsGuide
        >> What do people think? Please jump in and share your
        thoughts! Thanks in
        >> advance,
        >> --
        >> Bill Mills
        >> Community Manager, Mozilla Science Lab
        >> @billdoesphysics
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        >> Discuss@lists.software-carpentry.org
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