On Tue, Apr 12, 2016 at 06:06:30PM +0000, Neil Chue Hong (SSI) wrote:
> So nothing particularly problematic, but perhaps we should think
> about ensuring our mission and vision are broadcast as clearly as
> possible.

I think a mission/vision blurb that's either on the main page or
prominent under the “About Us” menu [1] would be good.  The current
main page blurb [2] is really short, and the current “About Us” text
[3] is also very high-level.  Compressing part of the best-practices
paper [4] down into a paragraph or two for a mission/vision post would
probably help with these sorts of things.

Somewhat related, the SCF already has a mission document [5], but it
seems designed to keep SCF members focused instead of being designed
to explain ourselves to the wider world.


[1]: http://software-carpentry.org/
[2]: “Teaching basic lab skills for research computing”
[3]: http://software-carpentry.org/about/
[4]: http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.1001745

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