Hi John,

> At one recent workshop, the host had advertised the workshop as an R
> workshop to participants. However, the host had requested a Software
> Carpentry workshop that included R as well as git, Bash, and SQL. We
> had a few participants who voiced their displeasure at covering
> anything other than R. One particular participant confronted me during
> a break about SQL. This learner already knew SQL and assumed everyone
> else did as well.

Thanks to share your experience. This was very interesting.
I always advertize our workshops as Python or R workshop
in social media but never had this problem. I'm not trying to blame
anyone but could you let us know if for that workshop students need to
register themselves going over our workshop template [1]
or this was an private workshop?


[1]: http://github.com/swcarpentry/workshop-template

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