Thanks for starting this discussion, Dan.

In developing the semester-long biology course for Data Carpentry [1], we
specifically included self-learners in our approach to organizing the
materials. We have a very clear starting point for self-learners that is
accessible from the home page [2]. Self-learners are then able to follow
the start-up steps and schedule of lessons for a thorough introduction to
SQL and R. Each lesson is accompanied by reading materials and an
assignment of exercises for practice, which is the major contribution that
the semester-long course has made to the Data Carpentry materials. Often,
the SWC/DC workshop lessons are the reading material for the assignments.
We also provide lecture notes for instructors that are a helpful reference
for learners.

As has been mentioned before, we don't have a way to track self-learners
and have not been contacted by anyone who has taken that track. We would be
very interested in getting some folks to give it a try and report back.


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