Hi everyone

I just want to weigh in on this as I am responsible for starting this
thread in the first place when I asked about teaching R in this post:

While some people might like the DC R lesson better, I feel it is important
to teach the workshop we advertised, i.e. a Software Carpentry R workshop
that will be using the R Gapminder lesson.

If a workshop is branded Software Carpentry, then our expectation is that
it will include the shell, version control and either R, Python or MATLAB.
If a workshop does not include those three elements, then it is not really
able to be branded Software Carpentry.

It can be called  'Based on Software Carpentry", "Inspired by Software
Carpentry" etc if it doesn't include those three elements, or if you are
using extensive personal/local adaptations of our lessons, but a Software
Carpentry workshop must teach shell, git and a programming language to be
the real deal.

I just wanted to clarify this in case people were not aware of it.


Belinda Weaver
Community Development Lead
Software and Data Carpentry
e: bwea...@carpentries.org | p: +61 408 841 882 | t: @cloudaus
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