Jonah and all,

I've seen two presentations of the R workshop, both at Software Carpentry
workshops.  They were a couple of years apart.  Neither finished the
material in the SWC lesson.  Both were quite different from each other.  I
doubt that if an attendee from one described the workshop to an attendee
from the other that it would be recognizable.  Further, I note that the R
for Reproducible Scientific Analysis lesson may differ less from the Data
Carpentry R lesson than it does from the R Inflammation lesson.

Perhaps one avenue of discussion might be to pare down from the current
lesson(s) and define what constitutes the core concepts and competencies
that any language lesson _must_ cover during its actual offering to be
considered for inclusion in 'Software Carpentry'?  That would then make
_how_ those concepts and competencies open to lesson planners, maintainers,
and to the judgement of the community.  I think that might become
increasingly important.

While I understand that there is a strong desire to keep the discussion on
this list focused on things that are truly and genuinely of general
interest, I suggest that it might be premature to shunt what constitutes a
legitimate lesson for SWC into an issue just yet.  What makes a lesson
legitimate seems to me to be of pretty central interest and importance, and
I think that removing it from general and public discussion so early is not
in the best interest of the community.

I urge you to encourage at least a bit more discussion here, so that
someone reading this later -- and possibly much later -- will be able to
get a general enough sense of the range of opinions to properly judge
whether to go to the issue or not.

I am sure it is not your intention to stop discussion, but I think this
issue is important enough to remain on the main list for at least a little
while longer.  I have had my say, and I will add anything further to the

I hope that in stating my opinions here I have not violated any community
norms or offended anyone, and I apologize now if I have done so.  That is
not my intent.

On Sun, Oct 22, 2017 at 4:22 PM, Jonah Duckles <>

> All,
> When we say we're teaching something called "Software Carpentry" it has
> been the opinion of our Steering Committee for a long time that it should
> be using consensus lessons. So if we offer a workshop in a new place we
> want it to be comparable to a workshop run some other place. Our core
> lessons (those 10 listed in the upper table of https://software-carpentry.
> org/lessons/) are those that we allow you to pick from to compose
> something we call "Software Carpentry" when bringing a workshop to a new
> place.
> We accept that local self-organized workshops experiment and innovate from
> this base. Belinda's guidance is to call your workshop "Inspired by..." or
> "Based on..." is our recommendation when you go "off script".
> This is truly where we grow and innovate, so we don't want to stifle this
> kind of exploration. At the same time, we want someone who says "I went to
> a Software Carpentry!" talking to someone else who went to one to have a
> comparable experience.
> In the context of the upcoming merger of Software Carpentry and Data
> Carpentry I think the door is open to have the community discuss how this
> should look in a world of growing lessons. How do we maintain some
> commonality of experience AND allow instructors to compose the most
> appropriate workshop for participants. I don't have a silver-bullet here,
> but I'd welcome a discussion from the community. This is an area where we
> don't want to overwhelm you with red-tape, but we do want to be opinionated
> (in an editorial kind of way) as a community about what should and
> shouldn't go into a workshop of a given branding.
> I've created a GitHub issue to further this part of the discussion:
> Regards,
> ---
> Jonah Duckles
> Software Carpentry, Executive Director
> From: C. Titus Brown <> <>
> Reply: <> <>
> Date: October 23, 2017 at 8:45:47 AM
> To: Belinda Weaver <> <>
> Cc: <
>> <>
> Subject:  Re: [Discuss] using the DC ecology Python lesson in place of
> the SWC Python for SWC workshop
> Hi Belinda,
> I'm confused. Is the DC R lesson not considered a programming language
> lesson? I think it should do fine as a lesson in a SC workshop, and I
> interpreted Azalee's post as agreeing with that:
> htmlk
> Other than that, my understanding matches yours with respect to branding,
> etc.
> Who is the final arbiter of this, in any case? Shouldn't it be Jonah or
> someone on the SC Steering Committee, like Christina, who weighed in here:
> html
> and said the same thing as Azalee.
> thanks,
> --titus
> On Sat, Oct 21, 2017 at 11:18:00AM +1000, Belinda Weaver wrote:
> > Hi everyone
> >
> > I just want to weigh in on this as I am responsible for starting this
> > thread in the first place when I asked about teaching R in this post:
> >
> discuss/2017-October/005510.html
> >
> > While some people might like the DC R lesson better, I feel it is
> important
> > to teach the workshop we advertised, i.e. a Software Carpentry R workshop
> > that will be using the R Gapminder lesson.
> >
> > If a workshop is branded Software Carpentry, then our expectation is that
> > it will include the shell, version control and either R, Python or
> > If a workshop does not include those three elements, then it is not
> really
> > able to be branded Software Carpentry.
> >
> > It can be called 'Based on Software Carpentry", "Inspired by Software
> > Carpentry" etc if it doesn't include those three elements, or if you are
> > using extensive personal/local adaptations of our lessons, but a Software
> > Carpentry workshop must teach shell, git and a programming language to be
> > the real deal.
> >
> > I just wanted to clarify this in case people were not aware of it.
> >
> > regards
> > Belinda
> >
> > Belinda Weaver
> > Community Development Lead
> > Software and Data Carpentry
> > e: | p: +61 408 841 882 | t: @cloudaus
> > _______________________________________________
> > Discuss mailing list
> >
> >
> --
> C. Titus Brown,
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