On 2011-07-26 16:57:47, Jan Gibson wrote:
> I've been to the website & it's zero help.  Why can't there be a
> general question box that a person can pose a question?  I registered
> years ago and forgot my username.  There's no where for me to go.  I
> have 2 questions:  #1 How do I PERMANENTLY disable Bullets &
> readonly?  #2 I want to STORE manuscripts onto CDs then load them
> later and work on them.  The system loads them ALL as 'readonly'.  I
> have to edit the stupid things and this doesn't help me - it's a 
> waste
> of a CD.  I have OOo 2.0 on my PC and laptop.  No, I don't want to
> upgrade - all of my manuscripts would be ruined if I did that.  My PC
> & laptop are word processors and NOT connected to the internet. I 
> need
> help managing these stories.  I have a publisher waiting.  Help me.  
> I
> wait for your reply.  Jan Gibson-- 


I have about 6,000 documents in .odt format on this machine (OK, 
actual count is 5,974) and they were created with various releases of 
OOo and of StarOffice before there was an OOo.  A few hundred of them 
even predate the OASIS formats.  I can't see ANY difference between 
them whether I use OOo 3.3, 3.0, 2.4, 2.0, or 1.1.5 - or for that 
matter libreoffice 3.4 beta.  I had the same misgivings about 
converting several times.  That's probably why I still have multiple 
versions on this machine.

Now in truth, bringing up some of them in such other programs as Lotus 
Symphony, aboword, or kword CAN make them look different.  And 
often so does M$ word when I use the old Sun plugin (formerly 
free - now ???) that let's it read .odt files.  But you were only 
mentioning updates, not changes in what program you use, so those 
probably don't count.

As to the problem you're having with the read-only files, that's a 
function of fact that CDroms are inherently read-only.  Changing the 
permissions can be handled by a script in either Linux or Windows, so I 
don't really see the problem.  For read-write versions there are USB 
memory sticks that hold up to 64Gb now (a bit pricey but the 32Gb 
versions are not outlandishly expensive), and that might be a better 
way to go.

But you mention that you want to disable bullets permanently.  Do you 
mean you don't want to use them in your documents?  Then don't.  If you 
want to get rid of the icons on the menu bar (VISIBLE BUTTONS - 
DESELECT THEM), and if you want to get rid of them in the menus, you 
can of course customize the menus as well [TOOLS > CUSTOMEZE].  Of 
course that won't stop other people from using them in documents that 
they send to you, but if you are that desperate to get rid of them,  
you can write a macro which will remove ALL bullets and lists from any 

Why you would want to do that escapes me at the moment, but it is 
possible nevertheless.

Good luck and don't give up,
 - wwa
william w. austin                                     aire...@att.net
"life is just another phase i'm going through. this time, anyway ..."
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