Hi again,

one follow-up:

    ((HttpServerRestletCall) call).getConnectorCall().getRequestHeaders()

only works with "unwrapped" calls. That's why I suggested to make



If it is public I could do something like this:

   if (call instanceof WrapperCall) {
       Call unwrappedCall = call.getWrappedCall();
       doSomthing(((HttpServerRestletCall) unwrappedCall)

Since getWrappedCall() is not public I have to derive every MyCall
instance from MyWrapperCall where the modifier is "public". Arrrg. :/

Would it do any harm to make getWrappedCall() public? It would be
easier to write utilities that work with either Call or WrapperCall
instances without the need to derive from a custom MyWrapperCall

Best regards,

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