
you could consume the response in the same way as you created it: If you put a 
xml representation, you could also get it from the request 
(request.getEntityAs*() )
If you have a JSON representation, you could use
JsonRepresentation jsonEntity = new JsonRepresentation(request.getEntity() ) ;
just use the json extension. The same is valid for serialization with JAXB. 
Take a look in the list of extensions.

best regards

> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: "buzzterrier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Gesendet: 21.10.08 00:15:12
> An: discuss@restlet.tigris.org
> Betreff: Consuming a REST response
> Hello, 
> From trying out the sample apps and searching the web I have a pretty good 
> sense
> on how to publish a restful service, but not on how to consume one. My 
> previous
> experience with web services are WSDL based, which are pretty straight forward
> for marshaling the xml into a pojo. But I am not sure what the best approach 
> is
> for REST, since there is no XSD to work with. 
> Can some of you comment on how you are consuming these resources? Am I missing
> the obvious?<g>
> Thx!
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