On Sat, Jan 16, 2010 at 11:42 PM, Valdis Rigdon <valdis.rig...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm still seeing these on the latest snapshots as well.  As a workaround, 
> I've been using the GWT version bundled with the example "serialization" 
> application from the wiki, but using the snapshot versions for other 
> editions.  That seems to work fine for me, at least in the short term.

I am ignoring the problem for now, and so far so good, no
consequence... (well, except that the GWT plugin in IDEA refuse to
complete the build, and can't have the convenience of the IDE)
Will probably hit me bad in the head later, though...

Niclas Hedhman, Software Developer
http://www.qi4j.org - New Energy for Java

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