I think it is a good idea.  Though two things to add.  Who has the ability to 
audit the spending?  I think the champions should have the ability to watch 
over the transactions of each card.  Also we should make a rule in place for 
spending money so it doesn't feel like a free for all.  Maybe any transaction 
has to be emailed to members@ 24 hours before the purchase. Even if it is a 
little amount for something like toilet paper.

On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 9:29 AM EDT Torrie Fischer wrote:

>Hi, all.
>This morning, Chris and I were discussing a possible solution to a money 
>The problem: I'm currently the only one who has the ability to spend *any* 
>money. If I get hit by a bus, we'd likely be screwed. It also really slows 
>things down. At last night's meeting it was requested that we spend some money 
>on picking up some doors for the wall project, but getting to the point of me 
>actually handing out money can take too long because I don't keep the 
>checkbook on me, nor do I keep the money card on me.
>The solution: A special "spending" card that is tied to a second checking 
>account at BFG without the ability to overdraft, cause fees, or anything else 
>This had been kinda discussed before as a way to handle the 
>maintenance/buildout budgets.
>Basically, I setup another account with our BFG membership and keep the 
>balance at some maximum of what we agree it should be. Our maintenence budget 
>is still $50/mo, but if we needed to spend more I could instantly transfer 
>money into it (like $200 for doors for the walls or somesuch) and hand over 
>the card. I'd also like to see about getting a total of four cards made: One 
>for treasurer, and one for each of the champions.
>Thoughts and feedback please! :)
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