As Dean mentioned, CF5 is quite old.  The most recent version of CF is
CF8.  There are significant additional featuees in later version and
specifically (as John mentioned) between CF5 and CF6 there was a total
re-write of CF on an entirely new platform (Java).

Most of the core features of CF are the same for CF5 as for later
version, however, there are some differences that can be significant
in the way CF behaves.  It really all depends on what the application
code needs to do.  Some apps port over fine, others require more
changes to work correctly.


On 10/30/07, E.E. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm a newbie to this list.  So please be gentle with me. :0) I have a
> question. Does anyone have a link or know off top of their head, the
> differences between these two Cold Fusion technologies. CFML 5.0 and CFML MX
> (6.1) ?  (I'm sure I can Google it but I prefer you guys :-)
Cameron Childress
Sumo Consulting Inc
cell:  678.637.5072
aim:   cameroncf

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