

You can create a session variable that exists only when a user is logged
in and test for that when a call comes in to your page. For example, in
some include file or function, you could use a statement similar to


<cfif not session.loggedIn>

<cflocation template="login.cfm">



If the existence of variable "loggedIn" is not present, the user will be
redirected to the location you determine.


As far as removing anonymous access to your content, there are a number
of ways to do that. I will defer to some of the more experienced minds
on the list for that one.


Hope this helps,


Troy Jones

Dynapp Support Team




From: ad...@acfug.org [mailto:ad...@acfug.org] On Behalf Of Emile
Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2008 12:01 PM
To: discussion@acfug.org
Subject: [ACFUG Discuss] Blocking a ColdFusion website's directory


Hey Everyone,


I am currently in the process of building my first secured site.  Most
pages of the site will be behind a login page.  I'm using ColdFusion's
Application.cfc onRequestStart function to check if a user is logged in
or not.  Thats pretty much boiler plate.


My concern is how to prevent an non authorized user from accessing or
hotlinking to non ColdFusion page. (i.e, images, pdfs, swfs, .txt etc).


Whats the best way to ensure a user can't link directly to these items
but instead be redirected to login.cfm instead?


Is there a way to lock down an entire directory?


Thank you for all your help



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