At the risk of stating the obvious, here is what I would do:

1. Dump the values for your vars and hardcode them in a CFMAIL statement with a very basic subject and body
2. If that looks good but still fails to send, another troubleshooting step is to use telnet from your CF server and send an email.  This should reveal quick enough whether the mail server is the piece that is tripping you up...


: Hello all,
: I am having an issue with the <cfmail> tag. In the instance of use, everything
:  seems to be in order (syntax, required attributes, data is valid) but for
:  some reason, the tag will not fire an email. I have tried everything I know
:  of to try (verifying the query data, eliminating the body except for a short
:  message, etc.) but nothing resolves the issue. I had suspected that the mail
:  service itself may have stopped responding but I was able to execute a
:  different <cfmail> instance in its place. Additionally, none of this
:  non-execution generates any errors or log entries. I am at a loss as to where
:  to focus my efforts and would appreciate any assistance.  
: Here is the snippet:
:                 <cfmail to="#qAdAgent.agent_email#" cc="#qAdAgent.ad_emails#"
:  bcc="" from="" subject="Your tour has
:  been added to #Application.domain#" type="HTML">
: Troy Jones
: Dynapp Support Team
: 678-528-2952

----------------------- Original Message -----------------------
From: "Troy Jones" <>
Date: Tue, 3 Mar 2009 14:02:55 -0500
Subject: [ACFUG Discuss] cfmail issue

Hello all,


I am having an issue with the <cfmail> tag. In the instance of use, everything seems to be in order (syntax, required attributes, data is valid) but for some reason, the tag will not fire an email. I have tried everything I know of to try (verifying the query data, eliminating the body except for a short message, etc.) but nothing resolves the issue. I had suspected that the mail service itself may have stopped responding but I was able to execute a different <cfmail> instance in it’s place. Additionally, none of this non-execution generates any errors or log entries. I am at a loss as to where to focus my efforts and would appreciate any assistance.


Here is the snippet:


                <cfmail to="#qAdAgent.agent_email#" cc="#qAdAgent.ad_emails#" bcc="" from="" subject="Your tour has been added to #Application.domain#" type="HTML">


Troy Jones

Dynapp Support Team




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