: My other thought would be ask if you think it would be ok to just use the
:  files themselves as the database rather than import and use MS SQL. This way
:  the files could just be uploaded to the server and overwritten when they need
:  to be updated. There are basically 5 files with some location data in it that
:  are used for a specialized dealer locator app. My thought was maybe I could
:  just read the files into a select query and then loop the query to filter the
:  records to be displayed. There will never be more than several hundred
:  records in the excel files. However the site that will use it may have a fair
:  amount of traffic so I didnt know if reading the files might become a
:  problem. Perhaps I could read them into a cached query to solve that problem?
I have a similar situation where my excel file updates a few times per week and I need to read it just once and the format does not change: you can define an ODBC DSN to the file and read that from CF like any other true database. After the definition is done and is working (inspect the schema.ini file, it will make sense once you look at it), you could even just replace the excel file with a new version without doing anything else.
Only drawback I can think of is that it's slightly more difficult to combine your excel data with any data housed on your db server if you don't truly insert it in a table.
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