Dusty, I wonder if your problem isn't a CF one, but a web server one. I'd
bet when you try to retrieve the file as a CSV, the web server steps in and
changes the mime type to something other than plain text, and therefore CF
(and the CFHTTP) gets something other than what they expected.


 (BTW, that code you show below doesn't come from my site, per se, but maybe
you got it from a link off of it).


I just ran a test of some working code (adapted from an example Ben Nadel
put together). It works fine for me, whether file is called .txt or .csv.
I've attached the files here. Do they work for you (may need to adjust the
url in the cfm page)? If not, then I'd think the web server is your issue.


(You could also request the CSV in your browser, or-to remove browser
processing from the analysis--do your CFHTTP without the NAME attribute,
which then just reads it as a text file. Dump the entire CFHTTP scope, to
see the cfhttp.mimetype.


Anyway, here's a simpler way to read in a CSV  as a database (one I do link
to from my CF411 site, and which would be easier than the older approach I
mentioned in my last note), which doesn't rely on CFHTTP or then get
bothered by any web server mapping issues:




Hope that's helpful.




PS I'd like to add, since someone said they didn't realize it, that this
sort of troubleshooting is indeed what I do for a living. I'm happy to
answer questions free here on the list, as I do so often. But I just want to
note that if someone ever is in a pinch and doesn't want to wait for free
answers, or doesn't want to publicize their problem, or it may be too much
to communicate in email, I'm available for as little time as may be needed
to solve a problem. More at carehart.org/consulting/.


From: ad...@acfug.org [mailto:ad...@acfug.org] On Behalf Of Dusty Hale
Sent: Monday, March 09, 2009 3:15 PM
To: discussion@acfug.org
Subject: Re: re[2]: [ACFUG Discuss] excel or csv to database table


Thanks again. I tried the approach below which was recommended on cf411.com.
It works as long as the file extension is .txt. When using the .csv
extension, it throws an error "Variable onerow does not exist". 

I am fine with just using the .txt extention but if anyone has any clue why
or how I could use a .csv extension, I would love to hear it.

Thanks again for the replies. It always helps to hear others opinions.


Building a query from a delimited text file 

The cfhttp tag can create a ColdFusion query object form the response body.
To do so, the response body must consist of lines of text, with each line
having fields that are delimited by a character that identifies the column
breaks. The default delimiter is a comma (,). The response data can also use
a text qualifier; the default is a double-quotation mark ("). If you
surround a string field in the text qualifier, the field can contain the
delimiter character. To include the text qualifier in field text, escape it
by using a double character. The following line shows a two-line request
body that is converted into a query. It has three comma-delimited fields:


"A comma, in text","A quote: ""Oh My!""",Plain text

Run the following code to show how ColdFusion treats this data:

<cfhttp method="Get"



<cfdump var="#onerow#"><br>

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Attachment: cfhttp_query.cfm
Description: application/cfm

Attachment: cfhttp_data.csv
Description: MS-Excel spreadsheet

Cox Christina Blonde 5'5" 135.0 Muscular Cat Yes
Rodruigez Michelle Black 5'3" 125.0 Muscular Dog Yes
Otting Franics Blonde 5'4" 140.0 Muscular Cat Yes
Turgot Ayse Blonde 5'2" 125.0 Curvey Dog Yes
Clarke Molly Burnette 5'4" 122.0 Lean Cat Yes
Skerret Laura Brunette 5'4" 130.0 Lean Rabbit Yes
Parker Sara Blonde 5'2" 105.0 Skinny Pig No
Vivenzio Sarah Brunette 5'3" 130.0 Curvey Cat Yes
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