Hey everyone,

First of all, I'm not that up on AJAX which is what I'm assuming would be
the best way to tackle the problem at hand.  I have been googling and
googling trying to find examples and have not been able to find any so I
thought I'd come here to see if someone could point me in the right

I am basically trying to filter query results and display the updated
results in a table on the fly based on what is enter in the text search
form.  i.e., if user is trying to search for "pizza" from a list of all
food, as the type "p" the list will automatically update to only show foods
beginning with "p" (pear, pie, pizza) and when they type "pi" it will narrow
and display "pie, pizza".

This is much more simplistic example than what I am trying to do as there
are many more fields than just food type but I figure the methodolgy will be
the same.

Any ideas on where to start for live working examples and decent
documentation so I can get started on this?

Thanks in advance.


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