Are you looking to edit the grid dynamically?  Anuj Gakhar had a good code
example that I found to offer some good insight into a recent project piece
that I did:

This was based off a Dan Vega post.

Teddy R. Payne, ACCFD
Google Talk -

On Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 12:52 PM, Jeff Howard <> wrote:

> Thanks Teddy.  It is more that latter that I'm looking for.  I have
> successfully done the autosuggest before and at first I thought that is what
> was being asked for but once I started getting into a displayed table needs
> to be updated and displayed on the fly by the criteria being entered into
> the search form.  I'll take a look at the dynamic filtering link.  I was
> just having a hard time coming up with the right search term in google I
> guess.
> Thanks.
> On Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 12:47 PM, Teddy R. Payne <>wrote:
>> Jeff,
>> It depends on how you want to display the information.  The basic
>> functionality of typing in and filtering is a combination of "autosuggest"
>> and then an output rendering.  Have you tried the AJAX tutorials by Ben
>> Forta?
>> Now, if you are trying to display this information in grid (dynamic
>> table).  This is a combination of using cfgrid and dynamic filtering.  Dan
>> Vega has some good blog posts about using cfgrid.
>> Teddy R. Payne, ACCFD
>> Google Talk -
>> On Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 12:39 PM, Jeff Howard <> wrote:
>>> Hey everyone,
>>> First of all, I'm not that up on AJAX which is what I'm assuming would be
>>> the best way to tackle the problem at hand.  I have been googling and
>>> googling trying to find examples and have not been able to find any so I
>>> thought I'd come here to see if someone could point me in the right
>>> direction.
>>> I am basically trying to filter query results and display the updated
>>> results in a table on the fly based on what is enter in the text search
>>> form.  i.e., if user is trying to search for "pizza" from a list of all
>>> food, as the type "p" the list will automatically update to only show foods
>>> beginning with "p" (pear, pie, pizza) and when they type "pi" it will narrow
>>> and display "pie, pizza".
>>> This is much more simplistic example than what I am trying to do as there
>>> are many more fields than just food type but I figure the methodolgy will be
>>> the same.
>>> Any ideas on where to start for live working examples and decent
>>> documentation so I can get started on this?
>>> Thanks in advance.
>>> Jeff

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