You can want to convert "" to a number?  You can get the ASCII value
for each character, but what you do with that afterwords could be anything
goes.  Do you plan to add the numbers together?  Concatenate them together?
Concatenation could outside the boundaries of 10 numerical digits and would
have to program for leading zeroes.

The ASCII value for any one of those characters is Asc() and analagously
Chr() to covert back to characters from numbers.

You would loop over each character in the string basically at the most
simple example of conversion.

There are probably some other more brainiac solutions out there as well in
the realm of hashing techniques or encryption algorithms.

Teddy R. Payne, ACCFD
Google Talk -

On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 11:03 AM, Derrick Peavy <>wrote:

> Trying to get a numerical value for a string, store into an int(10) signed
> MySQL 4.1.13 MyISAM table.
> <cfset myInt = JavaCast("int", "")>
> Simply returns ""
> Obviously, this is out of my range. And obviously, this is not this simple.
> Can anyone point me in the right direction?
> *
> _____________________*
> *Derrick Peavy*
> 404-786-5036
> *
> *
> *“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” -Steve Jobs*
> *_____________________*
> On Nov 25, 2009, at 12:53 PM, Teddy R. Payne wrote:
> Derrick,
> What I found related has to do deal with storage sizes.  In this manual
> note:
> I am not sure your storage configuration, but it has a caveat with NDB and
> number storage.
> BigInt works because it is twice the size of integers by default.  Integer
> being 4 byte storage versus 8 byte storage of bigint.
> Does this apply?  Data truncation is when storage sizes are mismatched,
> which is an obvious statement.  The data engine is telling you data size is
> greater than storage availability in the column.
> Beyond that, I would have to defer to the rest of the community.
> Teddy R. Payne, ACCFD
> Google Talk -
> On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 12:04 PM, Derrick Peavy 
> <>wrote:
>> Teddy:
>> Banging my head here. Can't get CAST to work in any form, even with the
>> database itself (using phpmyadmin).  Here is the actual data and info.
>> *
>> *
>> *QUERY 1 (does not have to be two queries, but this allows me to show you
>> the exact values I am trying to insert)*
>> crc32('') AS *referer_checksum*,
>>  crc32('ccstageread') AS *domain_checksum*,
>> crc32('') AS *resource_checksum*
>> Those values are then supplied to the next query...
>> *QUERY 2*
>> INSERT INTO my_table
>> (dt, readableDT, referer, *referer_checksum*, *domain_checksum*,
>> referer_is_local, resource, *resource_checksum*, resource_title,
>> search_terms, img_search_found)
>> (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), {ts '2009-11-25 11:51:12'}, '', *0*, *2846130217*, -1,
>> '', *3619153832*, ' - Allegheny College',
>> '', 0)
>> The fields referer_checksum, domain_checksum, and resource_checksum are
>> MySQL 4.1.13 data type int(10)
>> The length of the crc32 value is 10 as seen in the second query above. If
>> I change the field type to BIGINT and leave it as length 10, it works just
>> fine. No error. But as an INT(10) I get the following error, which is caused
>> by the second crc32 value of 2846130217 (the domain_checksum), not the
>> first crc32 value, which in this case is 0. But if that first value is
>> not 0, then the error is on that value, ergo each/any first crc32 value.
>> The problem with changing the data type to BIGINT is, apparently, the PHP
>> stuff that is reading this data and generating reports doesn't seem to work
>> correctly if the data type is changed.
>> Type DatabaseQuery Error
>> Data truncation: Out of range value adjusted for column 'domain_checksum'
>> at row 1 Native Error Code0 SQL State01004 SQLINSERT INTO my_table (dt,
>> readableDT, referer, referer_checksum, domain_checksum, referer_is_local,
>> resource, resource_checksum, resource_title, search_terms, img_search_found)
>> VALUES (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), {ts '2009-11-25 11:51:12'}, '', 0, 2846130217, -1,
>> '', 3619153832, ' - Allegheny College
>> College', '', 0)
>>    *
>> _____________________*
>> *Derrick Peavy*
>> *
>> *
>> *“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” -Steve Jobs*
>> *_____________________*
>> On Nov 25, 2009, at 9:19 AM, Teddy R. Payne wrote:
>> Derrick,
>> Data truncation usually brings to mind java data conversion.  Have you
>> tried casting the results of the crc32 function?:
>> CAST(crc32('') AS int)
>> Alternatively, what version of ColdFusion are you using?  I have looked at
>> the MySQL driver in CF8 recently.  In the past, I had good success using
>> JConnector to replace the JDBC MySQL default driver that came with CF.
>> Here is the 4.1 manual referene to JConnector:
>> And here is the JDBC driver configurations instructions:
>> If you are already using JConnector, ignore the recommendation.  =)
>> Teddy R. Payne, ACCFD
>> Google Talk -
>> On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 5:15 PM, Derrick Peavy 
>> <>wrote:
>>> Trying to remove a PHP script from a cold fusion site by replacing it
>>> with a simple CF query.
>>> Current PHP file puts a crc32 value into an int(10) field in MySQL 4.1.13
>>> Trying to do this with CF, nothing fancy. Basic SQL statement.
>>> Example:
>>> INSERT INTO exampleTable
>>> (domain_checksum)
>>>  VALUES (crc32(''))
>>> I then get this error:  *Data truncation: Out of range value adjusted
>>> for column 'domain_checksum' at row 1*
>>> But the data looks correct. For example, the value for is
>>> generated as 3619153832
>>> If I try to insert the values directly into MySQL, no problem. But using
>>> a standard CFQUERY produces an error.
>>>     *
>>> _____________________*
>>> *Derrick Peavy*
>>> 404-786-5036
>>> *
>>> *
>>> *“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” -Steve Jobs
>>> *
>>> *_____________________*

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