On 12/22/2014 12:43 PM, Terry Fage wrote:
Some housekeeping..

You will have noticed the return of update notices in the MLs and
forums, security and ours. At this stage upstream updates are not posted.

So a couple of things are needed:

A consistent format for the posting eg

--Description of fix

I know it can be done better, How?

Earlier I chose a format very similar to RedHat, an example below and also at

(Are all the fields useful? URL and Description could be culled. A short link would be good for the bottom)

The only part not automated is the "<Insert Update Text Here>" which needs the Dev or someone in the bugzilla flow to give the text. Personally I think that a custom text box should be added to bugzilla and the release note take it from there.

SME Server Update Notification

Name        : initscripts
Product     : SME Server 9
Version     : 9.03.40
Release     : 2.3.sme
URL         : [http://fedorahosted.org/releases/i/n/initscripts/ ]
Summary     : The inittab file and the /etc/init.d scripts
Description : The initscripts package contains the basic system scripts used to bootyour SME Server system, change runlevels, and shut the system downcleanly. Initscripts also contains the scripts that activate anddeactivate most network interfaces.
Update Information:

<Insert Update Text Here>


* Tue Nov 11 2014 Daniel Berteaud <dan...@firewall-services.com> - 9.03.40-2.3.sme
- Make slapd service an alias for ldap [SME: 8635]


  [ 1 ] Bug 8635 - LDAP DB corrupted during upgrade
Updated packages:


This update can be installed with the Software Installer from the Server Manager.

The release notes are not being auto-generated really at the moment as packages are stuck in smetest.

Security ones are easy, just the RH format and links details. This will
not change.

Finally the issue of upstream updates, do we need to post the details,
we have no control over them they just happen, is it important enough to
advise SME users that RH and ultimately CentOS has released a bunch of

I have not earlier posted upstream release notes - apart from very serious security ones. I would post an upstream summary, eg

SME Server 7 Update: Upstream packages 9th March 2008

Here is the list of upstream packages that were pushed as updates on 9th March 2008




Not sure what admins find useful

Keep in mind that once you start to do something it has to be continued
and consistent, otherwise it all looks rather amateurish if it stops and
starts due to someone being away, preoccupied with work (or a woman :-)
or some such) or departing due to reasons out of their control.
Let's try to get more automated and have multiple people able to do this.

Terry - I see you as the Release Manager. i.e. it comes down to you to decide what to release and when. However all the core devs should have the ability and know-how to also make a release including release notes when necessary. This was certainly a failing earlier as in practice no release notes came out whilst I was traveling (work or vacation).

Just trawling for ideas.

Great to see. Keep it up.
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