> convincing more than 18 thousand people code paid by
> public money should be published as Free Software 

Funny that you declare you don't know the "demos" of the fellowship,
although we pay (I myself no more) the membership fee through
channels that easily let identify who we are and on the other hand you
know that those 18 thousand people were “convinced”, when they simply
might have shown their support to an idea older that FSFE's campaign.

> A radical shift of structure (like moving to a "large membership"
> model) may promise some advantages down the road, but it may also
> could dimish the good work going on, 

Suppressing the fellowship seat was a radical shift (otherwise no need
for an extraordinary gathering), right? What are the reasons that
the council think this move would not “dimish the good work going on”?

> Best Regards,
> Bernhard

Best Regards,

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