August 30, 2018 2:34 PM, "Carsten Agger" <> wrote:

> On 08/30/2018 03:49 PM, Nikos Roussos wrote:
>> I have been (and still am) member/supporter of various non-profit 
>> organizations and none of these
>> apply the kind of democracy you envision. Rightfully so, in my opinion. As 
>> an example, I'm a member
>> of EFF but there is no democratic way for me to be elected in the Board of 
>> Directors, or
>> participate in their private strategic meetings. Same applies for FSF (US).
> Many NGOs that I know of are run as traditional associations, with a yearly 
> general assembly as te
> highest authority, a board elected by the participants at the general 
> assembly; with all members
> being eligible to attend the general assembly and run for the board, and 
> membership being open to
> everyone (maybe with well-defined limitations, such as a profession or 
> geographical area) willing
> to pay membership dues.

That's true for most associations, but even in these cases usually there are 
some limitations on how you get to be a member. In many associations, besides 
paying a membership, it is required that some existing members vouch for you. 
This provides some short of web of trust, but also acts as a fail-safe, 
preventing a group of people taking over an association just because they have 
the money to do so.

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