Hi Andreas,

Am Mittwoch 05 September 2018 07:31:05 schrieb Andreas Nilsson:
> > Please respect that I can speak out for whomever I'd like, whenever I
> > like.

> I usually don't post here but this is a tone I'm not comfortable with
> from you Bernhard. You don't have an automatic right to copy someone
> else's identity and speak for their behalf, 

I agree that people should speak for themselfs and and this is what I've did.
I've voiced my support of how FSFE and its president currently works
and just like everybody can voice their criticism. Both should be done in a 
civil tone.

> > This is our mailinglist, so it's partly mine and I blieve I can speak
> > out, just like anybody to defend a civil tone here. 
> > The statements you've cited are not civil in my opinion.

> "This is my mailinglist so I can say what I want." and then "You are
> not civil." is not something I would hear on a TV debate I think. You
> claim your right to be somewhat rude since you moderate the list, in
> that case maybe you should stick to only moderating and not voicing
> your opinions

I'm not a mailinglist moderator of this list. 
I'm not claiming the right to be rude.
I point out what I believe is non-civil, but in a civil tone.
(Of course I may sometimes fail at doing so, thus I am listening what others 
write and set out to clarify what I've meant if this needs to be the case.)

While we are at speaking as oneselfs:
Another example I'd find un-acceptable is astro-turfing or using sockpuppets
to make it appear like an opinion is carried by many people.
What do you think about this?


FSFE -- Founding Member     Support our work for Free Software: 
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