* Daniel Pocock <dan...@pocock.pro> [2019-10-16 18:03]:
> It isn't just the FSFE.  Back in Roman times they would demote people
> to be non-citizens and take away their vote, like demoting the Fellows
> to be Supporters.  Every now and then they would kill some slaves to
> keep all the other slaves in fear.
> Romans used lions and tigers to kill their slaves, now it is email
> lynchings but isn't it the same mindset?
> > It is unlikely that all these organizations who kicked you out did so 
> > without reason.
> I wasn't kicked out, I resigned:
> https://lists.fsfe.org/pipermail/discussion/2018-September/012650.html

What is fellowship? Any reference to it?

> A few weeks later Matthias Kirschner had a meeting with Chris Lamb
> (Debian) in Italy somewhere and decided to make ongoing hostilities.
> Why this vendetta, why didn't they let sleeping dogs lie after I
> resigned?

Which hostilities, any reference?

> Look at the FSF archives and see if you can find the message I posted in
> support of RMS:
> https://danielpocock.com/what-does-fsf-censor/
> https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/libreplanet-discuss/2019-10/index.html
> Notice that messages posted by Jean Louis and I today don't appear there
> either.  Censorship.  Smoking gun.

That is moderated, censored, forbidden, for reasons that they will
simply say it is off-topic. Maybe even Richard Stallman is censored

They censored many of my messages, and I was just answering to
people. I am not even initiating the conversation. Just

But Guix leaders' statement was off-topic for GNU project and nobody
is censoring their page. That is my point, I would not say anything
would there be 1 (one) person responsible to keep GNU project
apolitical or to supervise websites according to GNU kind
communication guidelines.

Basically everything that RMS said that relates to GNU project and
free software represents free software philosophy. That includes GNU
kind communication guidelines and the point that GNU shall remain
apolitical, and that only politics shall be free software and related
human rights.

So if there is no inner moderation of politics and bad conduct, then I
am protesting.

And even Guix developers think that it is off-topic to post it to
Guix-devel and help-guix mailing lists, I think it is very on-topic as
they started posting off-topic defamation of the RMS on Guix pages.

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