18 Oct 2019, 11:24 by dan...@pocock.pro:
> As a native English speaker, I'll simply comment that some people do 
> generally use the word "gas" in that context

THANK YOU DANIEL! I am no native english speaker but I am annoyed every day 
that you cannot say "gas" and "jews" on one sentence any more. RMS stumbled 
over the same thing, he was just stating the facts that sex with children was 
legally fine until not so many years ago. 

There is so much censorship offline and online and it already reaches our 
brains. But there are people who deserve medals and military honors for their 
ability to tell the truth and withstand all the drama bitches in our once 
bright, now rotten society.

We need more heroes and they have to step out of the shadows like Daniel did 
with his blog posts and RMS supporters to on backthetheaugust.org and 
fsforce.noblogs.org [thank YOU!]. It goes far beyond RMS, it is about 
fundamental truths. That is why I also renamed me here. We need to concentrate 
on the big picture, our whole society, and the true enemies!


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