Oct 18, 2019, 17:58 by christian.imho...@fsfe.org:

> RMS Support uses the language of fascists extensively:

Are you calling me a fascist? My grandfather fighted against fascists in war, 
and today I fight SJW fascists wherever I can. I don't call you bad just 
because you have a different opinion. But you do so -- you do not even address 
me personally but blaming me at Daniel as if I was not here.

It more seems to me you are the real fascist here. You depersonate me, treat me 
like I am not even a human, belittle my opinion and beliefs. You have the 
typical black/white opinion where anyone voicing hurting truths is killed off.

> Last but not least he is linking to the platform for the alt-right and he 
> really claims that the anti-Semitic attack in Halle could be fake news:

I did not say that, and you know it. I said that we have to be cautious of fake 
news. You brought up Halle, I don't even know exactly what happened there like 
I wrote before.

> Do you really want to attack the free software movement together with 
> alt-right fascists?

Are you speaking to Daniel? Who is attacking the free software movement? He 
protects it.

And again, you are calling us names. "Alt-right" is a label invented by a 
little group of politicians and media moguls. It is a label to stigmatize 
conservatives. But just because we might be more "right" than "left", you try 
to silence us.

Would you call Stallman "alt-right" because he has more conservative opinions 
than you have?

RMS, Linus, Daniel: if you are reading this, please do not listen to such 
accusations. We are your friends. We stand by you. We know the truth.


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