On 05/01/2021 14:03, quiliro wrote:
> Debian Community News Team <team@debian.community> writes:
>> On 05/01/2021 13:22, quiliro wrote:
>>>> On 03/01/2021 14:40, quiliro wrote:
>>>>> Which would be a good way to end this fighting?  I know there are
>>>>> wounds.  But there could be a consensus to stop wounding each other per
>>>>> secula seculorum.
>>> Debian Community News Team <team@debian.community> writes:
>>>> A group against one person is NEVER acceptable.
>>> Your point is clear.  I do not have a position here because I have no
>>> personal experience in this case.  I do agree that a group against one
>>> person should not be allowed.
>>> My question was not that.  I asked if there could be a minimum
>>> consensus.  If it was possible, which would be the conditions?
>>> Is it so difficult for such a smart group of people to think about such
>>> a solution which would bring us together in what we _do_ agree upon?
>> Their participation in free software is solely to get money and power
>> over other people.
>> To have some minimum consensus implies that these people have to give up
>> some of their power or go away completely.
> At least how much of their power would they have to give up?

That is very easy to answer: they would have to allow everybody to have
an equal vote

Right now, both the FSFE and OSI refuses to register people as voting
members.  If we are not members then they have no credibility when they
claim to speak for us.

>> For example, imagine they go to the medical industry and they ask to be
>> President of the association for doctors.  They are not developers, they
>> are not doctors, but they ask to have these titles.
> You are describing most politicians and activists.  Politicians and
> activists usually want to change things without doing them themselves.
> They usually change things by changing policy, not by doing the job
> itself.  That is not the best.  But it is not necesarily bad.  Also,
> stakeholders are not only the people who do the job.  These people also
> have the right to incidence.  What is your stance about this issue?

If people vote for them then they have a mandate and they can make policies

If they implement their policies by blackmailing people and spreading
defamation then they are gangsters and frauds.

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