Gary Buckmaster wrote:
I'm looking at the web page for copfilter and it's a decent enough looking project, although it seems to be geared more towards virus and spam filtering for email, and virus filtering of http traffic.  Is that an accurate statement? 
Yes that would be an accurate statement. However the biggest issue with IPcop and addons such as copfilter is that when IpCop is updated is breaks the addon.
If so, it will not do the same job that squid+squidGuard is accomplishing.
 copfilter has further addons such as dansguardian .
which has the same function as squidguard.

Also, since copfilter incorporates a few license-encumbered components (i.e.: DCC) it would not be appropriate for businesses who want to use pfSense.
 I think that it is the features and functions of copfilter that make it so popular, not necessarily particular components. I notice that its proponents implement it in businesses rather than home users, so the content filtering is more popular among business users where as squidguard, urlfilter and dansguardian seem to be more popular among home users.
-----Original Message-----
From: chris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2005 6:06 PM
Subject: Re: [pfSense-discussion] Re: Content Filtering

Michael Capp wrote:

This is on my TODO list as part of the Squid packaging.  I'm trying to stabilize
the Squid package first with authentication (RADIUS, LDAP, Local, etc.) and once
complete will move onto Squidguard.  The option to enable as a redirector is
already there, but won't work at the moment.  I can't pin a timeframe to it as
I'm incredibly busy with my "day" job, but am working on it making more time for
it.  Thanks!

Best Regards,


Thank you for your reply. If you get the chance check out copfilter as it is the most popular addon to IPCop because of the range of filtering and further updates and addons.

Markus who is the author is quite busy with university and development has slowed a little and he may welcome any interest from like minded developers.


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