Paul M wrote:
Jan Hoevers wrote:
While not unwilling to donate to projects, this bounty thing is not for
me because of a strict open source policy.

you could always buy a support contract, which is entirely different
from buying proprietary software.

sorry, but I think your understanding of OSS is flawed. for the best

What is Free Software?
“Free software” is a matter of liberty, not price. To understand the
concept, you should think of “free” as in “free speech”, not as in “free

Ahh yes, the beer analogy. Drink up gents:-)

As in the book Animal Farm, one quickly learns that some pigs are more equal than others. A bounty system isn't a bad way for the community to respond with their own "my need is more equal" feature requests. Rather fair I'd say, and good feedback for the dev team (note: it's been very good idea in other projects with or without a corporate benefactor)

Afterall, Chris, Bill, Scott and others have bills to pay, and beer to buy for themselves after a hard day's work:-) Certainly a better cause than blowing $$ at Bestbuy:-)

p.s. nice work on 1.2. really solid, and handles [HD] VoD through verizon FIOS without a hitch.

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